boy on a trampoline

Will Jumping on a Trampoline Make You Grow Taller?

If you walk into any school playground you’re sure to see kids running around on the bouncy castles and in particular trampoline parks. While for some kids this represents a great form of exercise and something that keeps them fit, it can serve another purpose – encouraging growth in children. Is it possible for regular use of a trampoline to help you grow taller?

Trampolines are very fun and exciting. They have a variety of functions. They can be used as exercise equipment, sport utilities, high-flying toys, a great place to make acrobatic moves and tricks, even a place to relax when you’re done enjoying its many benefits.

A common question that seems to be emerging is, “Will jumping on a trampoline make you grow taller?”

The simple answer is no. The compound answer to this question is that repetitive exercise, especially over a long period of time, will strengthen muscles and bones. Helping bones grow longer through stretching, eating a nutritious diet, and getting plenty of Vitamin D, may indeed make you look taller.

Although jumping on a trampoline alone won’t make you any taller, there are still plenty of reasons why it’s good for you.

Jumping improves circulation, which can help prevent heart disease. It also increases bone density and strengthens your leg muscles.

It’s been proven that children who jump on a trampoline regularly build up their bone mineral content by 22 percent more than those who don’t jump. This helps prevent osteoporosis later in life when the body starts to lose bone mass.

Jumping can also be used as a form of rehabilitation after an injury or operation. It’s a great way to strengthen muscles without putting pressure on the wound site while it’s healing. It also improves coordination and balance skills in people with disabilities.

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What Factors Generally Determine Height And Growth In Children?

When children are growing, their bodies are constantly changing. Their height, weight, and head size can all vary greatly from month to month, and growth spurts can occur at different times for different children. This is because many factors go into determining the body’s rate of growth in childhood, including genetics, nutrition, and physical activity. But more important than any of these factors is age.


Children grow rapidly during puberty, or roughly between the ages of 8 and 12 years old. During this time period in particular, height increases by about four inches for girls and five inches for boys. In addition to hormones like estrogen and testosterone playing a role around this time period.


Some people are simply born to be tall. Genetics play a role in determining how tall someone will grow to be, but it’s not the only factor at play here. Height tends to run in families, but it’s not uncommon for parents who are both on the short side to have a child who is taller than them. Growth plates in bones also help guide growth as children get older.

Is It Physically Possible to Grow Taller After Puberty?

Is it possible to grow an extra inch or two after your growth plates have fused? In a nutshell, no, not really.

But if you’re still growing and haven’t yet hit your genetic height potential, there are things you can do that may help you achieve that “taller” look.

Growth Spurts May Happen at Different Ages

Between ages 10 and 18 is when most kids experience their growth spurt. Though some kids may enter puberty earlier, around age 8 or 9, or later than the general age range of 12 to 14 for girls and 14 to 16 for boys, typically the growth spurt happens between the ages of 12 and 16 for girls and between the ages of 13 and 17 for boys.

Girls tend to grow faster than boys during this time period. Girls are also more likely than boys to have a growth spurt that lasts more than one year. On average, girls will grow about 4 inches (10 cm) in 2 years, while boys will grow about 3 inches (8 cm) in 2 years. Boys may start out growing faster than girls but don’t keep pace as well once girls begin their growth spurt.

Hormones and Growth Plates

Hormones play a major role in our bodies, and they’re responsible for a lot of things, including regulating our metabolism, controlling reproductive functions and sending “grow” signals to the bones. They’re secreted by glands called endocrine glands, which include the pituitary gland (at the base of the brain), hypothalamus (in the brain) and pineal gland (located at the center of the brain). But none of these glands or their hormones have anything to do with height or growth in children.

In addition, growth plates are located near your joints and they appear at certain stages of development. Their job is to make sure that long bones develop properly so they can reach full potential length. Once they’ve done their job, they dissolve and disappear.

Benefits Kids Get From Jumping on a Home Trampoline

home trampoline

You might remember a time when your friends were taller than you, and you wondered if there was any way to catch up. While there’s no scientific study that we know of that can back this up, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence from parents who swear that trampolines are a workout for the bones as well as the muscles.

Jumping up and down on a trampoline may not make you grow, but it does work out your body in a couple of important ways:


The repetitive jumping helps build muscle endurance. This is especially important for kids who play sports year-round or want to take part in more than one sport at once.


Jumping on a trampoline is also good practice for keeping your balance. Many balance skills translate directly to improved athletic performance, especially in sports where you have to be quick on your feet.


 Jogging in place on a trampoline works the core muscles, which helps improve balance and coordination. Because the effect is so similar to running in place, it strengthens the muscles used during physical activity and increases endurance.

So, as you can see, owning a home trampoline won’t magically make you grow taller. But what it will do is strengthen your heart, lungs, increase balance and endurance, improve coordination, and encourage healthy bone growth. If you get enough exercise daily, eat healthy, and get good sleep every night, these things will help you grow to your tallest potential determined by your genes and physical capabilities.

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How Many Calories Can You Burn Jumping on a Trampoline?

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