A-frame dumbbell rack set

How to Make an A-Frame Dumbbell Rack

How to Make an A-Frame Dumbbell Rack? If you have a home gym or lots of dumbbells lying around at home, you’ll know that it’s important to have somewhere to store them. It’s extremely annoying to set aside time for a workout only to find there’s a runaway dumbbell, or worse yet, you accidentally trip or stub your toe on one of them! There’s a reason your local gym has racks for their weights – if they didn’t, the gym would be a complete mess and a lawsuit waiting to happen. If you’re looking to build a collection at home, we couldn’t recommend enough that you get your own dumbbell rack for storage!

So, what’s a-frame dumbbell rack to have? Everybody will have their own preference. There are horizontal racks, short racks, fat racks, wooden racks, and almost anything you can imagine. However, if you’re looking for something compact that will tidy up your room and save space, then an A-Frame dumbbell rack is the one for you. There are a few variations on this type of rack, but all of them are purpose built with stability and organization in mind. We have a couple of A-Frame racks on our website to choose from!

DR01 A-Frame Adjustable Dumbbell Rack

A great one if you’re starting out is the RELIFE DR01 Adjustable A-Frame Dumbbell Rack. It can hold 4 sets of dumbbells on either side of its frame, with seven tiers to install the hooks so you can adjust where your dumbbells sit on the frame! This is helpful if you have particularly large weights that take up a lot of room. It allows you to spread them out on the rack so everything fits in!

For example, you can place very large dumbbells at the bottom on the first tier, leave a few tiers empty for space and then place your second biggest weight on the 4th tier, your third biggest weight on the third tier, and so on. The dumbbells are held in place by adjustable hooks that slot into holes in each of the tiers, meaning you can constantly customize the order and arrangement of your dumbbells. Nifty, eh? It’s also cheaper and easier to use than some other A-frame dumbbell racks, so if you’ve only got a few dumbbells that you need tidied away, this would be ideal for you!

How long does it take to assemble?

It doesn’t! Further convenience is added by the DR01 A-Frame rack arriving with 99% of its assembly already completed! You don’t have to fret if you’re not good with your hands or if you’re quite accident prone – the only thing that needs to be installed when you start to use it are the hooks! There are 16 hooks included – we recommend placing 8 on each side. They couldn’t be easier to install; you simply insert the hook, rotate it down and it will click into place. To remove it, you push it up, rotate it and remove. It’s the height of convenience!

The DR01 dumbbell rack can hold up to 400 pounds and is durable and stable. The stainless steel screws and jam nuts (which we will again remind you that you don’t have to assemble, by the way) will ensure that you couldn’t come across a more sturdy dumbbell rack for such a bargain price.

DR04 A-Frame Dumbbell Rack

For those looking for a little bit more room, the DR04 A-Frame dumbbell rack is also an excellent choice. This rack offers room for up to 5 pairs of weights to be stored on each side. This rack doesn’t use hooks but instead allows your dumbbells to slide into place on each of the five tiers.

How long does it take to assemble?

In terms of assembly, this one takes a bit more work. Unlike the DR01, some pieces in the DR04 rack will have to be assembled, but it shouldn’t take too long. It’s simple enough! To make it faster you can have another person (adult preferably) help out, but all you really need are the screws provided, a screwdriver and your hard working hands!


  • To assemble the base part of the rack, twist the screws at both ends of the two cylinder pipes to loosen them.
  • Next, insert these two pipes into the round holes in the base.
  • Then tighten the screws on the outside between the pipes and the base. And that’s it!


  • Take the frame and place it on either side of the raised parts of the base, aligning it with the holes.
  • Then, tighten them with the screws provided. This requires 4 screws, with 2 on each side.

That’s all it takes! The dumbbell rack also comes equipped with a drawstring, meaning it’s easier to move and carry around the house should you need to move it regularly. The rack weighs 23 pounds (before weights) and can hold up to 600 pound of weight, meaning it’s both easy to move and durable, which is hard to find in the dumbbell rack market!

How to Make an A-Frame Dumbbell Rack

The Bottom Line

Any kind of dumbbell rack is definitely better than having none – there’s way too many benefits to being tidy and organized, even when working out. For saving space however, the best dumbbell rack is certainly an A-frame dumbbell rack. Whether you choose to make and assemble your own or purchase one, you’ll certainly be better off and your workout time more efficiently used if you’re not chasing dumbbells around the room!

For A-frame dumbbell rack you can count on for durability and stability (and that are also affordable), our DR01 AND DR04 A-frame racks certainly fit the bill. As you’ve just read, they are extremely easy to assemble, they can carry dumbbells up to many times their own weight and are simple to customize and simple to move around. They also don’t take a massive chunk out of your bank balance, either. You can find them on our website, Relifesports!

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