Relife dip bar

Build Your Own Dip Bar: How-to and Exercises

Table of content

  • Introduction
  • How to build a dip bar
  • Dip bar exercise
  • Conclusion


If you are looking for a way to challenge your muscles in new ways, this article is for you. I will show you how to make a dip bar and some exercises that can be done on it. Dip bars are excellent for developing chest, arms, shoulders, and triceps. This workout is great because it looks like there is no equipment required!

How to Build a Dip Bar

There are a few different ways that you can build your own dip bar. Here are some options:

Use a Pull-up Bar

One simple way to create a dip bar is by using a pull-up bar. All you have to do is attach two handles, or pieces of sturdy rope that are tied together at the ends, just underneath where you would normally place your hands for a chin up. It can be as easy as tying them on with some strong string!

Dip Station

If you are looking for a sturdier option, there are also dip stations available. This piece of equipment is called the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Doorway Trainer and it can be purchased on Relife.

Elevated Platform

Another way to make a dip bar is by using an elevated platform. This can be done by placing two sturdy boxes or tables next to each other and elevating one of them with some books, bricks, or anything else that is heavy and stable.


If you are looking for a more permanent option or if you have access to welding supplies, you can also make a T-bar. This is simply a bar that is attached perpendicularly to two posts that are set in the ground.

Wooden Board

Another way to make a dip bar is using a wooden board. It can be as simple as placing the board across two chairs or boxes that are securely placed in front of each other. You could also use cinder blocks instead if you wanted something sturdier!

Mason Jar

If you are looking for a portable option, you could also make a dip bar with a Mason jar. All you need is a wide-mouth Mason jar and some strong string. Drill or punch two holes in the lid of the Mason jar and tie the string through them so that the Mason jar can be hung from something sturdy, like a pull-up bar.

Once you have created your dip bar, it is time to start working out!

Dip Bar Exercises

There are many different exercises that you can do on a dip bar. Here are a few examples:

Chest Dip

This exercise is great for developing the chest muscles. To do it, start by standing in front of the dip bar with your arms straight and your feet together. Place your hands on the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width. Next, bend your elbows and lower yourself down until you feel a stretch in the chest muscles. Slowly push back up to the starting position and repeat as many times as needed.

Tricep Dip

Similar to a triceps extension, this exercise targets one of the primary muscle groups of the arms: the triceps. To do it, start by sitting on the floor with your back against a wall and your legs out in front of you. Place your hands on the floor next to your hips with your fingers pointing towards your toes. Next, lift your body off of the ground and place your feet on top of the dip bar. Bending at the elbows, lower your body down towards the ground until you feel a stretch in your triceps. Slowly lift back up to the starting position and repeat as needed.

Bench Dip

This exercise is great because it can be done anywhere! To do it, sit on the edge of any sturdy platform that will not move when weight is applied to it. Place your hands on the edge of the platform with your fingers pointing towards your toes. Next, slowly lift your body off of the ground and place your feet on top of the dip bar. Bending at the elbows, lower your body down towards the ground until you feel a stretch in your triceps. Slowly lift back up to the starting position and repeat as needed.

Cobra Dip

This exercise is great for developing the chest muscles. To do it, start by lying flat on your stomach with your legs extended behind you and resting against each other. Place your arms out to either side of you at shoulder height with your palms firmly planted down into the ground. Next, push up off of the floor using only your arms and raise your torso and legs into the air, maintaining contact with the ground with your palms. Hold for a few seconds before lowering yourself back down to the starting position. Repeat as needed.


There are many other exercises that can be done on a dip bar. These are just a few examples to get you started! Visit Relife to find more about dip bars.Be sure to experiment and find the ones that work best for you. 

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